Just a little about me!

Hello there Internet people! Well, I'm about as computer illiterate as they come, so I'll warn you now, this page is going to have a technology rating similar to Luxemburg's score in the Eurovision Song Contest...nil points! So, ummm....well, I'm a 17 year old English bloke currently waiting to hear from Universities, so...fingers crossed! En ce moment (Ooooh, that's a little bit of french, that is - I'm dead cultured me!) I live in York (a city in the north of England). If you are ever planning a visit to York, well, come, sure, but only if you are over 75, have a passion for crumbling walls, and use the word 'quaint'. (Hmmm...I am now probably in the process of being sued by the York City Tourist Board!). I do have loads of other things to do (no, really I do!) but this page is about music, not any old music, but shitty, cheesy, music from the 1970's, where the stars was big and the hair was bigger! A time when men had beards and women had quite fetching little numbers with sequins. Ok, so this is my page, an experience in the groov-ay...................

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